New Cammera Perspective

I did some investigating on the file you gave me and I changed some numbers. I'm guessing that this is the area you altered?

(some XTBL code)

What Values do what? XD

Y is responsible for camera height, Z-Distance determines how much the camera is pulled away from the player and X Shift pans camera to the right. If you want to obtain some more info, just scroll the XTBL to it's lowest parts - usually there's a description of all tags/values/instances there. After you got those basics, operating the camera position shouldn't be much of a problem.

If you choose to change the car views and help me make this view a reality please download the already edited file I posted in the comment above first because it has the other views close up that have already been added included in it.

There's a separate XTBL file responsible for vehicle's camera positions and it's called "vehicle_camera.xtbl" (vehivle_group_cameras.xtbl probably too). I see that you have already discovered that mod, so download it, grab a WinMerge and compare modded/vanilla XTBLs. Just remember that quantumsingularity86's mod changes the fine-aim instance, while you're most probably interested in <Primary_Camera_Angle>. Don't be scared, though: it's not that much of a challenge and I guess it could serve as a beginner's task very well.
I need help guys... for me it seems the camera of this game is only designed for wide screens, and mine isn't... so my character always stands more to left from original views, can u help me on that? and by the way, my pc is very low-end so graphics are bad and the resolution is low, ignore the game graphics ;p





I tried changing some values in camera_free.xtbl but when I done the changings I got a weird glitch wich I couldn't play the game anymore, it was freezing on main menu

And is there a way to remove the camera limit for looking down? like looking straight at floor, just like looking straight to sky?

Would u guys help me?
I tested your xtbl tweak and liking it a lot. However I end up re-tweaking it and use a "sub-par" view (compared to yours) because the peculiarities of the gun target reticle. To achieve your "closer to ground" view, you have lowered the "look_at" Y from the default 1.65/1.8 to 1.3. The problem with it is while standing, the reticle is now at the hip level, while the level of the gun held by the extended hand seems to float way above the firing line. I just can't look away from this fact.

I did try to use "y_dist" to remake your looks while retaining a level reticle but ended up using negative value, which when used that way seems to override the "z_dist" value. If only there's a way to shift the reticle away from the center of the screen then it'll be perfect.

1st, you'll want to look at these submode sections in the camera_free.xtbl:
  • "exterior close", "crouch", and "sprint" for camera views when outside a building
  • "interior close", "crouch interior", "interior sprint" for when inside
In each of those sections, modify the "x_shift" to lower value to make the char closer to the center. The "min_elevation" and "max_elevation" values controls the camera limits, so making those to -90 and 90 respectively should get you what you want, though I haven't tested it. Also, you can add "default_elevation" to force the camera altitude when 1st loading a game, but mind you this value is affected/overridden by negative value in the "y_dist".

Maybe this illustration will help (deduced by myself):


Lastly, I found the "look_at" Y value of 1.65 makes extended gun arm and recticle lining up perfectly for standing interior views, rather than the default 1.8 which is slightly to the top. For exterior views, 1.65 is slightly off but acceptable.


  • SaintsRow3rdCamera.png
    43.7 KB · Views: 1,570
@klem37 mines perfect for me but that might be because my character is actually smaller then normal size as I've lowered my characters height.
Oh, I see. Mine uses normal height cos it fits my concept of a "big" russian motha#$!?*# (female voice 2) :p

Even so tho You should post your version as well so I can take a look at it ^^b
Well, it's a little edit from yours, with "look_at" Y restored to 1.65 for exterior, though interior was edited to 1.65 as well, "x_shift" was set to 0.5 to "un-obstruct" the view a little (cos I'm using 4:3 monitor), and all "y_dist" are set to 0 in effort to retain your look (but failed :().

I found using "y_dist" in the range of -1.25 to -2.5 in conjunction with "look_at" Y at 1.3 is my ideal view, if only it didn't make the reticule at hip level, and the interior view defaults to "butt view" (try editing the exterior "y_dist" to a negative value, but leave the interior ones alone.)

I attached the file I currently use.


  • camera_free.xtbl
    85.9 KB · Views: 477