New Clothing for Sale - Nyteblade, Cyrus, Parachute, etc

Is there a way to set it so that you can recolor the cape on the NyteBlayde outfit?
(Depending on how it recognizes sections of the texture to recolor...)
I'm guessing it's done by channels, so if someone extracts the texture to a .dds or .tga, it should be easy enough.

BUT, I'm not sure if that's how the game does it. Haven't gotten around to that yet.
These are awesome, especially the NyteBlayde outfit. Unfortunate that... it has no boobs.

Any chance of modifying the Bloody Cannoness to remove the glasses and head cloth?
I do belive there is a couple mascots in the game.. now im not a modder for sr3 but i do install some and this is my fav yet... My point is are you able to get into the mascot clothings and make them wearable.... heres what some of the mascots are so there is a Saints Flow Can, Hotdog, Joe cola, Um and im not enterly sure what the other is but its like a beer bottle
Unlike SR2, NPCs do not wear clothing like the player does. What you are seeing is all one big mesh/texture containing the entire npc (body+clothes.) The player will never be able to wear any npc clothing unless Volition releases a special version of it (or we somehow figure out the model format and are able to mod in our own.)
Also i was wondering... You know how you can access the files or what ever the things are for the suits are you able to access the pony cart in mission where you find zimos and make it a veichle to drive?
Also i was wondering... You know how you can access the files or what ever the things are for the suits are you able to access the pony cart in mission where you find zimos and make it a veichle to drive?

Vehicle mods have absolutely nothing to do with this discussion. Please keep conversation on topic and post requests like this in the request subforum. Thanks.