New Homies

I hate to ask, but since Josh/Nyteblade is included in E.T.D. could you remove him/them, and try to include the lost saints? (ie. Carlos, Lin, Angel, Viola, Troy(?), Dex(?))

(note, I'm sorry if I repeated what someone else said, but I don't feel like reading all the comments.)
As Gabe said Josh/Nyteblade are removed.

Carlos,Angel,Troy and Dex aren't possible at the moment.

Lin, Viola are STILL marked as DLC, unless IdolNinja or someone else from Volition can give me green light to add them.
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Is Loren using all unused Homie Conversations? If it was already answered, then sorry, but I don't want to scroll through 42 pages to find out.
Why is loren on here he is already in-game and can get him as a homie

No, you can't. Loren is only in the game as a npc you can fight. You do not unlock him as a homie.