New/improved Weapons & Powers (Inc. 15+ New Weapon Textures)

For some reason, not to certain but

Waw root/main/iw_27.iwd
Seems to be where my brain thinks it is

Also on the subject of this mod; a request for IF you do; can u put it on the thompson looking gun, for obvious reasons? :D
For some reason, not to certain but

Waw root/main/iw_27.iwd
Seems to be where my brain thinks it is

Also on the subject of this mod; a request for IF you do; can u put it on the thompson looking gun, for obvious reasons? :D
Seems 27 is all sounds, and Iv looked around cant seem to find it Iv got feeling it between 20-26
can you like change the look of tentacle bat into like hammer?
No that would involve, having to make a whole new mesh and brand new texture map we dont have the tools to export mesh's into the game yet plus, I dont think either person working on this project has a skill set in 3D modeling sorry if we work out way to port one from another game one day we might but we still would need a certin set of tools we do not have
so where did you get the sword of the decker king design
it would be better if it was a costume of energy blade
Its from SRTT, they basicly use the file system, and I would but we dont have the tools needed to do that, It would mean adding in new weapon( that I can do) but then you would need to add in new weapon skins and 3 new camo slots for the 3 alt costumes the weapon has and for that we would need to compile a new Matlib file for the memory system to be able to pull the files needed when asked for by the game

We are working on adding it as a new weapon of its own kind but waiting on said tools
wow i didnt know it would be SOOOOOO complicated
So you guys have very smart MINDS!
Its a little confusing on times,but Volition have a pretty logical layout for like 90% of theyr files aswell as that they offer a great deal of support on these forums without them I prob would have never got this far :D, Im working on getting Apocafists working in SRIV atm as they where my fav weapons im also going to make green versions of them for Hulk hands as I already have the texture ready as I made it for some one before :)

but ye thank you for being so kind about us all on this forum :)
No that would involve, having to make a whole new mesh and brand new texture map we dont have the tools to export mesh's into the game yet plus, I dont think either person working on this project has a skill set in 3D modeling sorry if we work out way to port one from another game one day we might but we still would need a certin set of tools we do not have
Meshes are like "models" in SaintsRow Modding universe??