New Parachute Designs


Staff member
Ever wonder why your parachute looks like the Belgian flag?
Ever wished you could have some rad new colors on your chute?
Well tell your old parachute to go make itself a fucking waffle, because I brought you some new designs!

This mod let's you choose between one of 8 different looks for the parachute!

Your choices are:




Brotherhood Red:


Ronin Gold:

Samedi Green:

Saints Purple:


Ultor Orange:



Basically you just gotta move the customization_items.xtbl into the GotR folder where you put your other mods. I have a bunch of other mods that use the same file so I made a lot of compatible versions, see below to find out where you find the one you need.

To install any of the colors, first go into the folder of the color you want.

If you're using none of my other clothing mods like "Independent Eyebrow Colors", "Ski Mask Replacers" or the "Sleeveless Turtleneck", go into the "Standalone" folder and copy the customization_items.xtbl into "Gentlemen Of The Row" > "optional_mod_stuff" > "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE", build a new patch and install it as usual.

If you're only using my "Independent Eyebrow Colors", go into the "Eyebrows" folder, then the version of the eyebrow mod that you're using, either changing eyebrows to beards or mustaches and copy the customization_items.xtbl into "Gentlemen Of The Row" > "optional_mod_stuff" > "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE", build a new patch and install it as usual.

If you're only using my "Ski Mask Replacers", go into the "Masks" folder > "Just Masks" and copy the customization_items.xtbl into "Gentlemen Of The Row" > "optional_mod_stuff" > "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE", build a new patch and install it as usual.

If you're only using my "Sleeveless Turtleneck", go into "Sleeveless Turtleneck" > "Just Turtleneck" and copy the customization_items.xtbl into "Gentlemen Of The Row" > "optional_mod_stuff" > "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE", build a new patch and install it as usual.

If you're using my "Ski Mask Replacers" and "Independent Eyebrow Colors", go into "Masks" > "Masks and Eyebrows" > depending on which version of the eyebrow mod you use, either "Eyebrows - Beards" or "Eyebrows - Mustaches" and copy the customization_items.xtbl into "Gentlemen Of The Row" > "optional_mod_stuff" > "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE", build a new patch and install it as usual.

If you're using my "Sleeveless Turtleneck" and "Independent Eyebrow Colors", go into "Sleeveless Turtleneck" > "Turtleneck and Eyebrows" > depending on which version of the eyebrow mod you use, either "Eyebrows - Beards" or "Eyebrows - Mustaches" and copy the customization_items.xtbl into "Gentlemen Of The Row" > "optional_mod_stuff" > "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE", build a new patch and install it as usual.

If you're using my "Sleeveless Turtleneck" and "Ski Mask Replacers", go into "Sleeveless Turtleneck" > "Turtleneck and Masks" and copy the customization_items.xtbl into "Gentlemen Of The Row" > "optional_mod_stuff" > "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE", build a new patch and install it as usual.

If you're using all of those mods, go into "Sleeveless Turtleneck" > "Turtleneck, Masks and Eyebrows" > depending on which version of the eyebrow mod you use, either "Eyebrows - Beards" or "Eyebrows - Mustaches" and copy the customization_items.xtbl into "Gentlemen Of The Row" > "optional_mod_stuff" > "1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE", build a new patch and install it as usual.

Hope you enjoy your new parachutes!


and the GotR team whose customization_items.xtbl this mod is built upon for compatibility with Gentlemen of the Row

Admixon for helping me look in the game files and helping me find out that I couldn't really change the texture of the parachute as I originally intended, but at least make color changes to it this way.


I have an issue when I use the version that's compatible with the masks and eyebrows, I'm not sure if it's a bug/issue relating to the standard independant eyebrows mod you made itself or not however, but I've found that when I change hair color in image as designed or at the beginning of the game on a new save, it won't save the hair colors after I switch tabs or leave but the facial hair color saves fine. I've yet to see anyone else report this but it's been a real bummer since I hate having to rebuild the patch without the xtbl file whenever I wanna change my character's hair color and then build it with the file again after so the eyebrows go back to being an independant color, if you could look into the issue it would be much appreciated, cus I'm not really all too sure what could be causing it :( It's definitely a strange issue though that doesn't make much sense to me @-@ I hope it might be something that'll be easy to troubleshoot or fix ^^ if it can't be fixed I understand, I thought I would inform you of the issue regardless, thanks~ <3
I have an issue when I use the version that's compatible with the masks and eyebrows, I'm not sure if it's a bug/issue relating to the standard independant eyebrows mod you made itself or not however, but I've found that when I change hair color in image as designed or at the beginning of the game on a new save, it won't save the hair colors after I switch tabs or leave but the facial hair color saves fine. I've yet to see anyone else report this but it's been a real bummer since I hate having to rebuild the patch without the xtbl file whenever I wanna change my character's hair color and then build it with the file again after so the eyebrows go back to being an independant color, if you could look into the issue it would be much appreciated, cus I'm not really all too sure what could be causing it :( It's definitely a strange issue though that doesn't make much sense to me @-@ I hope it might be something that'll be easy to troubleshoot or fix ^^ if it can't be fixed I understand, I thought I would inform you of the issue regardless, thanks~ <3

Haven't run into that issue myself, will try to see if I can replicate it when I have the time, of which I don't have much.

Camo version, pretty pleaaaase??

I can't edit the texture, all that's possible for this mod was changing the colors the item has by default, otherwise I would have already made more complicated designs.
Haven't run into that issue myself, will try to see if I can replicate it when I have the time, of which I don't have much.
Alright, well I hope you're able to reproduce it when you have the free time, I've experienced the issue on both the Steam version and GOG version of the game. Though I've been solely playing the GOG version lately due to it being much more stable until we get that official patch for the Steam version :( I hope all goes well with replicating the issue~ ^^
Haven't run into that issue myself, will try to see if I can replicate it when I have the time, of which I don't have much.

I can't edit the texture, all that's possible for this mod was changing the colors the item has by default, otherwise I would have already made more complicated designs.
Understandable. I thought that, but had to ask
Now I can have a sleek Jet black parachute to go with my army outfit.