New Textures Project Collection

I just want to say the red brick and sand textures are really irritating me. such as when there's an alleyway or something that looks bad because it's red and also the sand when you see it in the city.

Please could there be a version where the brick texture is tarmac or something, and the sand is a bit greyer? It just looks out of place.
It's unfinished mod so I'll change something.
I love this mod but what kills it for me is the the red zin lights and imagery being replaced by the saints purple imagery like the purple street lights and purple zin ship is there anyway you could make a version where the zin tech and ships and zinyak stuff is left alone and have there red default textures?
red zin lights
I can't edit it. It's not a texture it's an effect located somewhere in shaders
purple street lights
could make a version where the zin tech and ships and zinyak stuff is left alone and have there red default textures?
I don't quite understand what you want. Release version with default textures of zin textures only? I don't know. I have to finish this version before release other.
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I love the purple pathway ! But what will there be instead of the planks ? Cause I assume it's just a placeholder ?

And actually, I like the sands textures, but there's just the cliff textures that needs to be changed since it's just a yellow version of dirt .