No Homie Mission Restrictions V1.0

No Homie Mission Restrictions V1.0 (V1.1 Johnny Gat) By FQuimson23

Note: I know I've been gone for a while and thats because I have school (well winter break right now) so I haven't been able to do anything for awhile. this mod won't be update for awhile until new bugs come up.

This mod basically removes the restrictions on homies while in a mission so you can call them and help out.

The mod has TWO versions of it. Normal or Johnny Gat. Johnny Gat has a different code than the Normal version of Zombie Gat. It just replaces Zombie Gat with Johnny Gat. Johnny Gat versions may be more updated than the normal version.

Credits go to:
Hobbs (Making the mod itself)
Me (Making the Johnny Gat version of the mod)
Data Snake (Based off of his The Return Of Gat mod)

Things you should know if you use Gentlemen of Steelport:
It's not included it yet (for now).

While one the mission "Zombie Attack", Your homie (not Viola) will not wear a gas mask. But they will not turn in to zombies. Oleg, Zombie Gat (if you used mission replay) Shaundi, etc.

Bugs to be fixed:
Homies (you called in) will leave you if another homie (from a mission) joins in if its a full group.
Homies are greyed out and can't be called again once you call them (Bug for me I think).

While on the mission "Zombie Attack" You can't call any homies to help (When you arrive on the island).

Bugs that are being fixed:
Homies are greyed out and can't be called again once you call them (Bug for me I think).

While on the mission "Zombie Attack" You can't call any homies to help (When you are on the island).

Ways to fix/avoid bugs:
On the mission "Zombie Attack" call a homie BEFORE you go to the island. Once you are at the island (after cut scene) jump off the bridge and go to your homie(s) (warp to shore) then take a car and jump the bridge. Now you have a homie with you. Don't call more than 2 homies (Viola is in the mission to help also).

Change Log:
v1.1 (Johnny Gat): Updated Code for zombie gat (Johnny Gat)
Fixed Image Being Zombie Gat Instead of Johnny Gat
v1.0 (both): initial release

To Do List:
Get this mod in Gentlemen of Steelport (Idolninja has to include it in it)

Get this mod to be compatible with homie alts (Will be if added in Gentlemen of Steelport).

Everything is explained in the readme file in the download but I will post it below this.

This is the No homie mission restrictions mod v1.0! This allows you to call any homie for help during any
mission when there is a slot available for a homie.

table of contents

1a. Info
1b. what it does
2. how to install
3. credits
4. bugs
5. other mods recommended
6. Change log

1a. The game has a restriction that doesn't allow you to call any homie (except the ones with you) and help.
This allows you to call any homie during any mission when there is a homie slot available.

1b. It basically just removes those restrictions from the game and allows you to call any homie during any

2. To install take either the normal one or the Johnny Gat one. The Johnny Gat one replaces the Zombie Gat
character. Don't take both since it will mess the game up. Just drag it to the Saints Row the third driectory
and that's it!

3. Credit goes to:
Hobbs (making the mod)
Me (making the code for Johnny Gat)
Data Snake (Based off his mod which replaces Josh to be Johnny Gat)

4. bugs to note:
Homies (one you called in) leave you during a mission if another homie joins (From the mission) if its full.
homies are greyed out and can't be called again once called once (bug for me I think).

5. Other mods recommended:
Idolninja's Mission Replay

6. Change Log:
v1.1 (Johnny Gat): Updated code for Zombie Gat (Johnny Gat)
v1.0 (both): initial release

