is there a mod menu or easy way to edit the amount of superpowered npcs that spawn at a time? I can't do the side quest with Gat saying to "destroy shit in a tank" aka a hard tank mayhem, and either my tank gets one shotted by powers, or i get launched out of my tank, either of which instantly fails it. If I cant find an easier way to edit the table as a .text file, im probably gonna just delete the mod entirely and give it a hard pass. the superpowered npcs have gotten annoying to the point where they yeet a mission vehicle off the map, blow up my tank or force me out of it during mayhem missions, etc. This mod does add more variety, but at this point, I can't reccomend it fully unless a way is found ot easily edit enemy spans, like a lua menu with settings in it. If there is one, feel free to tell me how to access it, ie in keybinds as an example.