NPC behaviour and spawn mod

This is a great mod, I just have one slight problem. The Three Count stronghold seems to have reset itself, which isn't really a problem except for when I access the helipad from the Crib menu. Sometimes I just get a message saying that something is in the way, other times, my vehicle just spawns in mid air where it would normally be if you fully upgraded the stronghold.

I'm assuming it is some sort of conflict between me not having fully upgraded the Three Count stronghold, then getting the DLC that does that automatically, then installing this.

I don't have any other addons, just a single file that stops my hat being removed when I get into vehicles (and crashes the game when I enter an Aegean).

Apart from that, I love this mod. It's lovely to have something else in the sky with me. And seeing the odd bright pink car is great.
Very cool mod, though I do find civilians charging at someone who just gunned down a few STAG soldiers and lobbed a few grenades around kinda suspect, lol.

What I'd really like to know is what do I need to do to use the Teen Height mod from GoS with this? Is it possible? Because I was digging the hell of my petite FemBoss this time through.
Medic: I'm not too sure why that's happening, as this mod doesn't mess around with cribs or crib unlocks . Try changing the 3 count back with the corrodias save editor. Ideath: if you want to change player height, open up characters definitions. xtbl and look for the "styletest_pc" entry, which is used for the first player character.
You should see a height value there, just change it to whatever you want.
good to hear those question marks are not a bug.

Still hella weird to see one drivin' by on a motorcycle though xD
I'm having this problem, but I do have all the dlcs
is Pierce not having a weapon when he's a homie intentional? He was causing even more trouble than usual during Three Way due to not picking up a gun, so I took a look at the files and noticed that he's supposed to have a chainsaw, but I suppose the AI isn't allowed to use it, so he was just going around beating down STAG soldiers with his fists and getting incapped as a result.
Is there any way to remove the purple question mark from the the spawns? or at least make it less often? every street I go on I see 2 or 3 of them and it doesn't really fit for me.
This mod sounds of interest to me but the idea of scattered giant purple ?? whored mode markers ruins my interest level.
Can you provide info on where to look in the tables to remove this from occurring?

I currently am using GangPlusOne 1.1 and just spent the last hour examining what all I would have to do if I do install your mod here.
GangPlusOne is working for me, mostly cause of more saints on the streets that I like. It is daunting to uninstall that mod. I may give it a
try I've done a backup of SR3 in case I do and end up with a total mess.

Heck of it is, once a game here is modded and I make my own tweaks that I failed to completely
document (as in alterations and mixes of others work) going on to install something like this is giving me the willies. hahaha. Oh, my. What to do.

Anyway, it would be good to remove giant purple question marks . Just a thought!