NPC coloring problem

But redoing the 3d file for a npc is a tedious proccess only to check textures lol

Im not sure if that will help anyways, like i said before, the sphere map matt uses wont turn the cape from red to purple.

The issue may be another thing.
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But redoing the 3d file for an npc is a tedious proccess only to check textures lol

Im not sure if that will help anyways, like i said before, the sphere map matt uses wont turn the cape from red to purple.

The issue may be another thing.
Yeah, I didn't remind that the game engine handels the npcs environment in a different way.For most models checking the textures with a 3d editor should be run faster than repack the files and test it ingame but if spheres and stuff are involved.....modders pain.:-)
No worries. I've learned to live with disappointment. I can probably tweak the cape color red by increasing and decreasing the semigloss file enough times. It's just a pain going in and out of game to see the progress. If I get tired I'll just stop:D