On foot radio

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Revision 19 is out with a major performance bugfix - the bug was introduced in Revision 18, so all users of 18 should upgrade.
  • Corrected a major performance bug - I was accidentally telling GOOH to run two frames without answering the Windows message pump. This caused very noticeable slowdown.
radio_newscasts_media.bnk_pc is the one that crashes it... I figured that's where the files I was after are, but maybe it's just left over junk data. I found the files I wanted in radio_misc_media.bnk_pc

And fair enough re: the limitations, thanks for answering.
I've looked into this crash - that soundbank appears to be from SRTT and SRTT uses a different set of codebooks for OGG. That's why revorb crashes. Unpacking them with packed_codebooks.bin rather than packed_codebooks_aoTuV_603.bin works (you can't do this yet, but the next version of the tools will let you).

Edit: it's also not the soundbank you want - it's Jane Valderamma's newsflashes from SRTT.
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yeah, again I figured out the files I wanted were in: radio_misc_media.bnk_pc I just figured, incorrectly, since 4 didn't have newsflashes that the announcements would be in that spot.

Sorry I know I am full of silly questions, this is the first game series I've ever messed around with the files for.
yeah, again I figured out the files I wanted were in: radio_misc_media.bnk_pc I just figured, incorrectly, since 4 didn't have newsflashes that the announcements would be in that spot.

Sorry I know I am full of silly questions, this is the first game series I've ever messed around with the files for.
The new rev of the tools I released yesterday will do the conversion for these files by the way. The new "/codebooks:" parameter would allow you to select packed_codebooks.bin.
They changed the EXE in the latest patch. I've updated the first post with a new version:

Revision 20:

  • Updated to work with Gat out of Hell patch #2.
Hi everybody, I am new in this forum.

I really would like to install this mod as I feel that the music is what Gat out of hell misses most. But I have issues when I try to install it :

First, my antivirus doesn't like Wwise. It seems to have one file (I don't remember which one) that could damage it.

Then, I don't get what to do with the ximput1_3 files in RadioEnabler : they are not dll files as advertised. I have the same issue with RadioSwapper with the RadioSwapper.csproj file. Could someone help ?
Hi everybody, I am new in this forum.

I really would like to install this mod as I feel that the music is what Gat out of hell misses most. But I have issues when I try to install it :

First, my antivirus doesn't like Wwise. It seems to have one file (I don't remember which one) that could damage it.

Then, I don't get what to do with the ximput1_3 files in RadioEnabler : they are not dll files as advertised. I have the same issue with RadioSwapper with the RadioSwapper.csproj file. Could someone help ?
Make sure you downloaded the attached file and not the source code from the github link.
Thanks a lot, it works well !

A remark though : Even after installing the last version of the mod, the keys to turn on/off the station stop working after doing an activity. I saw in this thread that some people have experienced the same thing (with earlier realeases of the mod).

Anyway, thanks again !