SPOILERS Opinions on Female Voice Three (Spoilers Mabye?)

I miss Tara and Rebecca :(

SR4 is the only SR game where I have not played all the voices(did in SR2 and Sr3) Right now doing an Atkins run, will never touch female 2 and 3. They sound horrible to me and just ugh. Good thing Baily stayed, or I would be really sad.
For one of my chars, the french voice was a Godsend; had to settle with the so-so russian one last time and it just never felt right. The southern one, overall, isn't bad, but really can't stand her damage taking groans...especially the "i'm on fire" line.
I couldn't get into Female Voice 2 - just doesn't sound right. Lacks the edge of Female Voice 1 (Laura Bailey?) and the light hearted humour of Male Voice 3 (British?) and Nolan.

Basically just sounded like someone reading off a script in a slightly hesitant way.
I'm currently going through my third playthrough, at first I chose the Female Voice 2 for a change played for the first couple mission and I hated it, it sounded terrible and fake. Tried Female Voice 3 and I dont really like it either and went back to Female Voice 1 but with some tweak on the pitch for fun.

I really prefer the old russian voice more than current french one.
Quite true, Nolan's voice is actually the best in game.
I dunno.. Troy and Laura do pretty damn good jobs themselves..

Not sure how I'd feel with Desmond Miles as the President..
I dunno.. Troy and Laura do pretty damn good jobs themselves..

Not sure how I'd feel with Desmond Miles as the President..
It's not Desmond Miles, it's the Prince of Persia... no Nathan Drake.. no... :confused: