Overhauled Stilwater

I'm fine now. My cancer is stage 4, but the metastatic tumor has disappeared on CT images,
and anticancer drug treatment may end this year.

Unfortunately, I've lost my strength and concentration, but I'm still improving the texture and modding tools.
Hell yeah dude! I remember reading about your illness in another thread a while back, so it's fucking amazing to see that you're doing better- even if it's just by a small amount. Keep your head up, the community wouldn't be the same without you.
I literally registered just to say thank you for making this. Played through more than once with it. The texture improvements look so wonderful in the game. A lot of texture mods feel like they don't belong in games so it's rare to find one that looks this fitting. Installation instructions were very clear also. I even added in a mod since it's all written out so plainly in the tools there. Coming from elder scrolls modding this was almost too easy, and I waited for the explosion, but there was none. It just worked. Thank you.

I also thought maybe I should mention for the curious that this does work on the most recent version of windows 11.

I see that yet again cancer is taking away an amazingly talented person so I hope that things go better than the odds suggest for you.
Oh, this is really nice! I might try Saints Row 2 again, played at a friend's place a long time ago and really this bugfix really would be improving the base game a lot more. Thank you! <3