Peg file format

[V] Knobby

Volition Staff
I know this information was posted to a thread, but it is hard for me to find and I answered it, so it must be hard for others to find as well. Here is the peg file format:

struct VLIB_EXPORT peg_header {
    int32      signature;
    int16      version;
    int16      platform;            // see peg_platform enum
    int32      dir_block_size;         // calculated by bm_save_peg(). includes size of header, plus padding.
    int32      data_block_size;       // calculated by bm_save_peg(). includes padding the allocator might have done.
    int16      num_bitmaps;
    int16      flags;
    int16      total_entries;
    int16      align_value;
    peg_entry  peg_entries[0];          // Can use this to access the entries

Then the peg entry itself(one in a vbm file, multiple in a peg)
struct peg_entry {
  uint8         *data;  // written to disk as offset from start of file.
  uint16        width;
  uint16        height;
  uint16        bm_fmt;
  uint16        pal_fmt;
  uint16        anim_tiles_width;  // for animated textures using an anim sheet BM_F_ANIM_SHEET
  uint16        anim_tiles_height;
  uint16        num_frames;
  uint16        flags;        // see BM_F_* defines    
  char          *filename; 
  uint16        pal_size;
  uint8         fps;
  uint8         mip_levels;  // Base frame + number of mipmaps (always at least 1) 
  uint32        frame_size;  // Bytes in palette + image.
  peg_entry     *next;        // each base bitmap_entry will maintain a linked list of
  peg_entry     *prev;        // actual peg entries so we can do unloading of pegs very quickly
  uint32        cache[2];    // generic texture caching data, used differently on different platforms

#define BM_F_ALPHA              (1<<0)  // bitmap has alpha
#define BM_F_NONPOW2            (1<<1)  // bitmap is not power of 2
#define BM_F_ALPHA_TEST         (1<<2)
#define BM_F_CUBE_MAP           (1<<3)  // bitmap is a cube map, react appropriately on load.
#define BM_F_INTERLEAVED_MIPS   (1<<4)  // bitmap contains interleaved mips (they exist inside of the NEXT bitmap)
#define BM_F_INTERLEAVED_DATA   (1<<5)  // bitmap contains interleaved mips from the previous bitmap
#define BM_F_DEBUG_DATA_COPIED  (1<<6)  // used by the peg assembler only.
#define BM_F_DYNAMIC            (1<<7)  // bitmap was loaded dynamically (not from a peg) (runtime only)
#define BM_F_ANIM_SHEET         (1<<8)  // bitmap animation frames are stored in one bitmap spaced sequentially left to right
#define BM_F_LINEAR_COLOR_SPACE (1<<9)  // bitmap is NOT stored in SRGB space, it is linear
#define BM_F_HIGH_MIP           (1<<10) // bitmap is a separately streamed high mip
#define BM_F_HIGH_MIP_ELIGIBLE  (1<<11) // bitmap is eligible for linking up with a high mip (runtime only flag)
#define BM_F_LINKED_TO_HIGH_MIP (1<<12) // bitmap is currently linked to a high mip (runtime only flag)
#define BM_F_PERM_REGISTERED    (1<<13) // bitmap is permanently registered. used on the PC so d3d becomes the permanent owner of the texture memory.

bm_fmt values of interest
	BM_FORMAT_PC_DXT1								= 400,
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Thank you so much for this. From and initial glance the data now seems to line up much better for the SR3 peg files. I need to run some tests when I get some time off work and to myself (usually at about 1 o'clock in the morning).

I'm working on the assumption that any pointers ( *data, *filename, *next, *prev, *cache) used by the SR3 peg files are 64 bit instead of 32 bit. Is that correct?
I'm working on the assumption that any pointers ( *data, *filename, *next, *prev, *cache) used by the SR3 peg files are 64 bit instead of 32 bit. Is that correct?

Yes, that is very correct.