Pixel's Zombie Mod

Pixel's Zombie Mod v2 (WIP)

This mod allows zombies to spawn with normal peds, cars, cops and gangs etc using the zombie peds cheat. :cool:

They don't always spawn straight away, go to a different area like over one of the bridges.


Give zombies even more health
Made zombies abit harder to knockdown
Enabled Brute zombies
Give Brute zombies more health (They're still easier to kill than normal brutes)
Tweak zombies AI config file to make them more aggressive.
Re-balance zombies to peds ratio so more peds spawn now.
Zombies spawn in groups abit less then before.


"In some areas they don't spawn or stop spawning for abit"

Zomibes disappear/don't spawn when its raining. Had to disabled the rainy weather to fix it.
Avoid using any rainy weather cheats, has same effect.

"Cars and peds same everywhere throughout Steelport"

This still apply's but found a common between areas, this should add abit more variety with peds and cars

Know Issues

Zombies run too fast

Zombies spawn in groups eg the same model/character.

Need more zombie skins to add more variety between zombies.

If there's anybody that is able and willing to re-skin any of the peds into zombies please let me know.

Please leave feed back and/or bugs found.


Credit to
Shadowhunter for the idea and inspiring me to make it.


  • Zombie Mod v2 (raw_files).zip
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  • Zombie_Brute.jpg
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Very nice mod, I'm having a blast.

The chaos between everyone running away from the zombies definitely makes it much more interesting than zombies cruising the sidewalks, waiting for you to wander past them. It also practically eliminates the need to adjust their spawn, since most peds run into the streets anyway.

I've been tinkering with the health of the zombies/brutes and I think I've found a nice middle ground between how they were default, how you had them and how I would like them to be. Also edited the aggression variable a bit, you had it at 2 I believe and I think I might have bumped it back down to default 1. I'm curious though, does the level of aggression dictate how fast they pursue you? I noticed at 2 they were catching up to me and swamping me at a run speed where at 1 it was just fast enough to stay out of their clutches.

Also I am working to make it so cops/gang members don't shoot at the player, since by all rights they should be focused more on the undead, but I'll get more into that later. I'm currently working on a "Zombie Apocalypse" compilation and I would love to use your mod as a base once I adjust the variables to how I perceive 'traditional zombie' ratios to be.
Thanks Falcon, glad you like it. Did you add more or less health to zombies/brutes? and were is this "aggression variable" as I didn't see or edit it? To make them more aggressive i've actually add a custom personality and called it "zombie offensive" to make them more likely to chase an attack you and other peds. I also noticed the zombies are running too fast, I did some digging in the files and it looks like Volition forgot to change a setting in tweak_table.xtbl, the default settings are:

<Description>m/s,-1 means use true anim speed. Please set to -1 before we ship.

If you do as it says and set it to -1 zombies run at a more realistc speed, I will have to include this in zombie mod v3.
As for making cops not shoot at the player for killing zombies, I was looking into this myself but couldn't find the right files/setting to make it work and by all means use my mod, if you can make it better then its better and more fun for everyone. Looking forward to Zombie Apocalypse :) and if I can help in anyway just ask, i'm not developer or anything just someone who likes to change and tinker with things to see their effects.
I personally think there should be less cars driving around, since most people would abandon their cars in a zombie apocalypse.
Thanks for your input. I''ll have a look into the vehicle spawns, think it would be good if I can get empty cars to spawn in the middle of the road causing more chaos!:cool:
-all that cool stuff-

Yeah the <combat_aggression>#- </combat_aggression> table is what I changed, bumped the aggression parameter down to 1 instead of 2. I believe it was the fact that I had "less" zombies after me at a given point that made it appear that they weren't going as fast. Cause with it set as 2 I was having guys come in and flank me all over the place, thus staggering me, thus letting the horde catch up and commence the slap-down. So in that regard, 2 is hectic and appears to be fast, whereas 1 is pretty normal for the zombies on Z-island and quite comfortable as an "average" chase rate, factoring in that they do have plenty of others to pursue as well, and lack of 'brains' so it takes them a minute to figure out food is about. Code is as follows to clarify:

        <combat_aggression>1- offensive</combat_aggression>

In an attempt to alleviate the cop issue, I went into the notoriety.xtbl that I got from Miranda~'s mod and pretty much just set everything to 0. Now this doesn't eliminate the ability to gain notoriety all together, as I intended, but it gives the player a lot of breathing room. I'm not exactly sure if it even really does that much but from my time testing it, I did everything I possibly could with and without zombies to get 5 badges/gang stars, and I could never get it above a 1. However, if you rob a store you will get 3 badges still, only that's the highest I ever saw it.

Unfortunately both cops and gang members will still arbitrarily feel the need to shoot at you if you hang out too long around them once combat was witnessed. I think that actually has something to do with their AI personalities, but you do get a star/badge from that. Probably code written somewhere stating that "If cop/gang member attacks player, then give one badge/star".

Here's the notoriety file, to save you a bit of digging/grunt work. Miranda~ said that it's the file from Gentlemen of the Row, so idk how valid every bit of SR2 code is in SR3, but it does account for something.

P.S. I upped the brutes health quite a bit, exact numbers are still to be determined, trying to fine-tune it. Also lowered the zombie health, again not quite sure I like it where it's at anymore so I'll work on it again.


  • notoriety.xtbl
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