Pleasantville My Way

This is my version of Pleasantville.

This will work in Pleasantville and Winter Pleasantville.

This mod will replace all the Pleasantville pedestrians.
There are two versions of Genki. One behaves like a regular
pedestrian and is not worth much money. The other version is
the regular Genki. Just look on the minimap. If he has a red
dot then he is the super powered version.

What I like to do is disable cop notoriety and turn on the
pedestrians riot cheat, then head to Pleasantville and
beat people up..

Note: There are 13 regular Pleasantville peds and they've all been
changed in this mod. But for some reason only 11 seem to show up at
a time. So if you are looking for a certain ped and can't find them
just hop out of town and then come back.

This mod will replace several files in your game directory so please
back everything up before you install it.

Hope You enjoy.


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