ok. well i think im pretty much screwed then. to be honest i'm surprised it not something thats been just as requested or just as needed as the tutorial pop-ups, being that these take up so much screen real-estate when there's 4 on screen at once, & 2 of them have purple flames shooting out of them, etc. lol. but in any case, im stuck in this weird position where i dont wanna bother u guys for too much help when ur busy, but i dont know what is "too much help," besides asking for a thorough walkthru, which i understand (absolutely) that idol's time is much more required on the next GOS, etc.... so maybe if i pull up some of the crap i have questions about, & u dont have to look any further than my post it will suddenly become cakewalk as i think it will, becuz i' just so clueless as to what i'm looking at.... so here we go - this is taken from hud.lua & it regards "showing hiding hud," and the numbers corresponding with the individual hud elements, there's one for respect & diversions, are those numbers what i need or am i way off track?
now, i'm assuming its number's 5, 9, or 10 that i need to do something with somewhere. also, whatever happens to the hud when uploading screenshots to saintsrow.com straight from the game makes it disappear in the resulting screenshot, i dont know if that means anything or not. i know the hud has always disappeared for screenshots, but that element in particular, the only one still showing in clip editor, is the one i'm concerned with. also, theres this from vdo_respect_meter.lua :
i tried putting false in there but it didn't do anything, but i know thats referencing it somehow.
anyways sorry if im posting complete nonsense, lol. thx again.
also there's this if it helps :
im just wondering if there's something i can put somewhere that will make it easy to where it just wont call up the animation or what.... Thx.
admin edit: put the code in code tags to make it more obvious
--Showing/Hiding the hud
local HUD_ELEM_GSI = 0
Hud_elements = {
[0] = { -- HUD_ELEM_GSI
target_doc = nil,
grp_name = "base_gsi",
target_doc = nil,
grp_name = "base_mini_map",
target_doc = nil,
grp_name = "base_reticle",
target_doc = nil,
grp_name = "base_reticle_hits",
target_doc = nil,
grp_name = "base_weapons",
target_doc = nil,
grp_name = "base_cash_respect_homey",
target_doc = nil,
grp_name = "base_weapon_swap_message",
target_doc = nil,
grp_name = "base_radio_station",
target_doc = nil,
grp_name = "base_vehicle_name",
target_doc = "hud_diversion",
grp_name = nil,
[10] = { -- HUD_ELEM_MESSAGES,
target_doc = "hud_msg",
grp_name = "messages_grp",
target_doc = "tutorial",
grp_name = "tutorial_base_grp",
target_doc = nil,
grp_name = "base_full_screen_effect",
target_doc = "hud_msg",
grp_name = "subtitles_grp",
[14] = { -- HUD_ELEM_OI
target_doc = "object_indicator",
grp_name = "oi_base_grp",
now, i'm assuming its number's 5, 9, or 10 that i need to do something with somewhere. also, whatever happens to the hud when uploading screenshots to saintsrow.com straight from the game makes it disappear in the resulting screenshot, i dont know if that means anything or not. i know the hud has always disappeared for screenshots, but that element in particular, the only one still showing in clip editor, is the one i'm concerned with. also, theres this from vdo_respect_meter.lua :
if do_animation == true then
anyways sorry if im posting complete nonsense, lol. thx again.
also there's this if it helps :
-- Respect Up animation
local respect_up_anim = Vdo_anim_object:new("respect_up_anim", self.handle, self.doc_handle)
local respect_up_end_tween = Vdo_tween_object:new("respect_up_end", respect_up_anim.handle, respect_up_anim.doc_handle)
local respect_up_callback_string = self:package_tween_callback("respect_up_cb")
admin edit: put the code in code tags to make it more obvious