Pointless Vehicle (and other) Unlocks (unused content restoration)

Welp, I'm at it again. Digging into the game and enabling the Legacy Content that was left behind from SR3, but never used, as well as other content that is used but never made available to the player. This time around I'm looking at vehicles, well mostly vehicles, and restoring them as unlocks for completing quests.

So why "pointless"? Well, it's mostly vehicles, and exactly how often do you use vehicles in this game? Still, it was a bunch of content that could have been given to the player, so I figure why not.

This is my first stab at this, so it may be a little rough and unbalanced. If you have suggestions - things I missed, things that would be better unlocked from something else, so on - feel free to share. I've done my best at distributing these unlocks, but I get the feeling some could be better placed if only I knew where that was.


Simply download "PointlessUnlocks.zip" and extract it to your Saints Row IV folder. If you also are using my "Skill - Vampire" mod, download the file "PointlessUnlocksandVampire.zip" and extract it as well.

I may make merged versions for other mods as demand requires.

Current added unlocks by Quest

Emergency Situation (A Game of Clones)
  • Gang Members - Luchadores
  • Gang Members - Morningstar
  • Vehicle - Luchadore Bulldog
  • Vehicle - Luchadore Criminal
  • Vehicle - Luchadore Compensator
  • Vehicle - Morningstar Criminal
  • Vehicle - Morningstar Infuego
  • Vehicle - Morningstar Justice

Zero Cool (Matt's Back)
  • Gang Members - Deckers
  • Vehicle - Decker Criminal
  • Vehicle - Decker Solar
  • Vehicle - Recursor (cyber tank)

Loyalty - Girls Night Out (Psychosomatic) (Shaundi)
  • Vehicle - Sons of Samedi Churchill
  • Vehicle - Sons of Samedi Stiletto

Loyalty - King of the Dance (Dancing Queen) (Ben King)
  • Vehicle - Vice Kings Compensator
  • Vehicle - Vice Kings Eiswolf
  • Vehicle - Vice Kings Hammer
  • Vehicle - Vice Kings Rattler

Loyalty - Nytefall (Matt Miller)
  • Vehicle - Bloody Cannoness
  • Vehicle - Cyprian Order Justice
  • Vehicle - Nyte Blayde

Loyalty - Pump Up the Volume (Brotherhood) (Pierce)
  • Vehicle - Brotherhood Compensator
  • Vehicle - Brotherhood Swindle
  • Vehicle - Maero's Atlasbreaker

Loyalty - SR3 Wrap-up (Gat Time, Fun Time) (Johnny Gat)
  • Outfit - Blow Up Doll
  • Outfit - Toilet
  • Vehicle - Ronin Kaneda
  • Vehicle - Ronin Kenshin

Loyalty - The Girl Who Beat Cyrus (Kinzie's Adventures) (Kinzie)
  • Outfit - STAG Armor
  • Vehicle - Crusader
  • Vehicle - F-69 VTOL
  • Vehicle - N-Forcer

Bugs, limitations, and so on

As this is in progress, there are a few issues which I haven't quite sorted out so far:
  • If you have already completed these quests, the added unlocks won't process. Not sure how I can fix this, but you can always use the Mission Replay mod.
  • The Deckers Kayak is not included in the Deckers Vehicles unlock. The Kayak is "sort of" present in the form of the Taxi vehicle, as it has the same shape. Unfortunately the gang decals won't apply properly. Trying to fix it, but I have no idea what I'm doing.
  • The Vice King, Brotherhood, Sons of Samedi, and Ronin vehicle unlocks are currently silent, and will not display a notification when they are unlocked.
  • The Brotherhood, Sons of Samedi, and Ronin vehicles will lose their decals after the first time you load them in the Garage. No idea why this happens.
  • Maero's Atlasbreaker and the Ronin Kaneda will retain their gang decals as normal.
  • The STAG Tank V2 (aka the prototype Crusader) is present, but I'm not sure where to place it since it's ridiculously powerful. One shot from its machine gun will blow up nearly anything, including other tanks.
  • Cyrus' VTOL is also present, but I am similarly unsure where to have it be unlocked.
  • The Spectre (STAG's jet-bike) is present but not added. It has some serious model issues which make it look weird, and prevent the gun from firing in even remotely the direction you are aiming.
  • A few vehicles are completely absent from the game: STAG Condor, Wakazashi (Ronin), Alaskan (Brotherhood).
  • Despite the Stiletto being in the game, there is no Vice Kings version of it. If I ever figure out how to fix this I'll include it.
  • The Vice Kings Rattler is never seen in the normal game, in case you were wondering.

Technical stuff

I'm going to list the various things I've modified to better assist those who want to merge this with other mods.

sr3_city_objectives.xtbl: I've modified the following entries, based on their objective name variable (i.e. search for this text to find the line I modified): "m07", "m14", "mol_bk_01", "mol_jg_01", "mol_kz_01", "mol_mm_01", "mol_p01_01", "mol_sh01_01".

unlockables.xtbl: I've added several entries to the end of the list of unlockables. To find everything I've added, search for the text "Vehicle_MstarREP", then select everything from the "<Unlockable>" tag above it to the very last "</Unlockable>" tag just before "</Table>".

If demand is high enough I will provide pre-merged files for specific mods, like I have already done for my "Skill - Vampire" mod.


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Hey, nice job on restoring more of this cut content. Would you care if I added some of the gang and outfit unlocks to the unlockables xtbl in the expanded arsenal mod?
There might be a little problem because it'll exceed the limit.
There might be a little problem because it'll exceed the limit.

I've been finding my way around the limits of this game and been making a terrible mess for a couple years now, I'll be fine. The vehicle unlocks won't be included though, because I hate them and the vehicles themselves can be located really easily if using my NPC mod.