Polish strings (closed)

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Umm... Saints Row IV for PS4 and Xbox One already has Enter The Dominatrix and HTSSC translated. :P So if you have a PS4 or Xbox One you can use Cenega's translation. :P

PS I tak jebać Cenegę
Umm... Saints Row IV for PS4 and Xbox One already has Enter The Dominatrix and HTSSC translated. :p So if you have a PS4 or Xbox One you can use Cenega's translation. :p

PS I tak jebać Cenegę
For God's sake, they're the biggest bunglers among all Polish game distributors.
I've got some updated soundbank tools in the works and updated tools for le_strings files too, hopefully. The new versions should decode all of the non-english characters properly :)
Any progress?
I've done some work on this but later I had lots of other things to do and I completely forgot about this project... Somewhen in 2014 I reinstalled the OS and forgot to backup these files so I had to start this from the beginning lately. I'm working on some mods for SR: GooH and I'll have to go to school for a week (sigh) so, well, let's say this mod is suspended at the moment.
Cenega's translations are horribly rushed and unpolished anyway so I'm wondering does it even make sense to do this.
I've got some updated soundbank tools in the works and updated tools for le_strings files too, hopefully. The new versions should decode all of the non-english characters properly :)
That would be very helpful. I had to copy counterparts for Polish signs from other sentences earlier so it'd make the work much faster. :D
By the way, would it be possible to make the string tools load DLC archives properly? Because only few strings have proper names, all other ones have numbers in the index. Strings tools for SR:TT loaded all strings from DLC archives properly but SR IV ones don't.
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