Hello. I need some basic instruction on how to port an item from SRIV to SRTT. I would like to use the SCI-FI girls helmet (I think that's what you call it) for my character in SRTT. I have already used ThomasJepp tools to extract the str2 files, edited the textures, and have the tools and instruction on how to repack it. What I don't know is what to do next to make it work for SRTT and where it will be placed in game if it works. If anyone already has this item ported to SRTT (custmesh_1890709963) it would be greatly appreciated if it could be shared. If not, any tips on how I could do it is good enough.
Almost forgot, I am trying to use the helmet for a male character...going for a kind of "Judge Dredd" look
Almost forgot, I am trying to use the helmet for a male character...going for a kind of "Judge Dredd" look

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