Possible to keep superpowers

Is it possible to keep superpowers after I completed trouble with clones dlc

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I completed the dlc and couldn't keep
My powers I have seen the super powers mod but would it be possible to keep the exact ones you have with the effects and all
Not yet. It's a problem with how the assets are loaded. i.e. they are not preloaded in the open world but only for the mission itself. Being dlc assets we can't just add them into the preload archives since the engine will not load them that way.

Also, please don't make nonsensical polls when you create future threads. Thanks.
Also, some ideas have been thrown around about how to simulate the effects using vanilla assets, so all hope is not yet lost.
You'll probably get about the same as otherwise.. "Sorry, company policy is not to support modders because the bosses worry about piracy, so we're just letting the modders work on their own". Assuming he actually knows about the stuff.

Otherwise, you'd probably get "Hey mate, I'm at X, you want Voilition, they did all the Saint's Row stuff"
Not surprising. Software development is rather publish or perish. So he does work at Voilition? Either way, they're likely in final steps for the expansion pack, and already gearing up with early development of DLCs for it and moreso work starting on Saints Row 4. There's a whole company there, so the people not busy with one game would be working on another and so on.

We've managed so far without official or unofficial official support. We'll cope. While they COULD have an asset list built right into the game of what's in the DLC to preload I suspect it may actually be something in Steam itself that says "This is the DLC files" so Steam can manage who has and hasn't a dlc for a given game. With SR3 it's told to load it all, but probably has other bits the game can check up on that say "User owns X" and the game goes "Ok!". They could probably fit a small 'dlc preload' file on the steam system that would be synched to the game of a user that has the dlc and thus needs it only.