SOLVED Powertools doesn't want to work under windows 10 for some reason.

Hey everyone.
I decided to reinstall Saints Row 2 after a while of not playing it, and ran into some issues regarding Powertools and the Stopwatch test.

Mainly, that it's too slow, no matter what do i put speed to, 90% or 85% or even 99%, it's the same speed ingame, which makes it impossible not only to play, but to even do the stopwatch test.

Last time i did this, i was on windows 7 and there were no issues. I have win10 now, and it doesn't want to work properly. Also at 100% speed, it's obviously too fast.

CPU is an i3-6100 3.6 ghz.
By the way Windows 10 don't have the speed bug. I'm on Windows 10 and the game runs smooth.
I don't know why people keep saying that. Windows 10 definitely has the speed bug. Just because your computer doesn't have it (you probably have the right clock speed) doesn't mean it isn't present on Windows 10. My computer has the speedbug for example, and it's windows 10. Don't act so matter-of-factly when the OP clearly shows that you're wrong.

Greatatemi, if you want to fix the speed bug, open cmd as Administrator and type "bcdedit /set useplatformclock true", then restart your computer. It fixes the bug, but only use it for Saints Row 2. It makes Saints Row 3/4 stutter every so often, so turn it off with "bcdedit set /useplatformclock false" when you're not playing SR2.

EDIT: Thanks to greatatemi for the correction to the command
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As mentioned above the clock speed edit works for most. It’s funny because I have t seen that posted anywhere until today so good find @Mattie104 . Also power tools works fine for me, or I have just never noticed the speed bug regardless. I am also using windows 10 and I only use power tools for coordinates. It works great, I had to install the direct x thing and the other file that’s recommended to download on the power tools site to make it work. Idk why power tools site says it doesn’t work on windows 10.
Hey there, sorry for reviving an old thread, but I stumbled upon this while hunting for similar info. I recently switched back to Windows and have been experiencing similar issues with Powertools. However, I found some helpful tips on the Windows 10 Reddit key sub.
Regarding the speed bug, I can confirm that it's definitely present on Windows 10. I have an i5 and have experienced it too. But thanks to Greatatemi for sharing the fix. I'll definitely try it out for Saints Row 2.
As a new member of this forum, I just wanted to share my personal experience and let you know that you're not alone in this. Hopefully, this info will help others who are experiencing similar issues. Cheers!
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