i was looking thru the cutscenes using idolninjas sandbox+ for SR4 and i cant find the one with The Plaryer, Shaundi and Pierce moving in slow motion.
Its at the 0:43 mark in this video. does anyone know whats the cutscene or the mission called?
are there other cutscenes missing?
Wish I could be more help but I do know that's from the second part of Punch the Shark where you choose your homies for different tasks (Asha/Matt, Johnny/Ben, Shaundi/Pierce).
Wish I could be more help but I do know that's from the second part of Punch the Shark where you choose your homies for different tasks (Asha/Matt, Johnny/Ben, Shaundi/Pierce).
well, i went thru all the punch the shark cutscenes again, and its not there. thanks anyway