Question about Modding :D

Hey, when u Mod ur SR3 is it still possible then to get Archievments ? or its like Cheating, i mean that u get no archievements then anymore and autosave is disabled.?
The coop compatible patch is simply a collection of core mods. This collection is stable and only enhance/add to the game and fix bugs rather than change any features. It is also designed to quickly build a patch for coop play for that you know won't cause issues with other GoS users. That's all.

I think most users here probably use the Advanced mode which opens up a ton of additional possibilities.
Yes, we're serious. The admins at least make sure everyone follows the rules. Better than at most forums.
No, we're not grumpy. (I read the 'sarcasm' thing), only me, when I'm kinda stressed (luckily I have more free time now).
I'm only grumpy when people ignore the rules. :p
Nothing quite like a 5 month Necro-thread Resurrection that has nothing at all to do with the original post.