Rattler's Return

In the unmodified game, the only Rattler you can ever find is the Chrome Rattler you obtain as part of a Virus Collection mission. This was likely unintentional, given that there are additional variants specified, including the variable "average" version, as well as an "ultimate" version.

This mod fixes that oversight by simply adding the Rattler to various spawn groups. I've added it to some spawn groups such that it will appear, albeit rarely. More common than an Attrazione, but nowhere near as common as Taxis or even Torches.

Technical Info
For people who want to merge mods, I've just added entries for the vehicle type "car_2dr_luxury01" to various groups in spawn_info_groups.xtbl.


  • 2014-06-20_00007.jpg
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  • spawn_info_groups.xtbl
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I've played sr3 and sr4 and never seen this car before in neither one and I played alot of hours on them so this in my book is a new car lol