Remove Full Screen Weapon Selection Menu

This is probably going to be a tough nut to crack, but eventually removing the weapon blackout toggle screen when using the numeric keys to switch weapons would be a nice mod addition if Volition does not do it for us.

It's understandable when using the mouse wheel or a controller, but it just kind of gets in the way for directly switching weapons with the number keys when it's full screen .
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I second this request. It's the biggest problem I've had with SR4. There's nothing worse than a jarring switch to a full screen weapon wheel. I don't know why they did this. It was fine in the first game.
The biggest issue with it for me is that it pauses when you use the mouse wheel, but it doesn't if you use the keys. I'll forget that it doesn't when using the keys in combat and *bam* I'm dead or hurt pretty bad soon after. Hopefully, there's a way to fix it without drastic changes.
Agreed. It's a terrible design decision and completely breaks the flow of the game.
If this cannot be done, a nice alternative would be to at least allow the wheel to function by mouse control like the Dishonored wheel. Point in the direction of the gun and go back ingame. The mouse function + no pause/black screen would totally rock, imo.
Agreed. It's a terrible design decision and completely breaks the flow of the game.
It seems to be there for the sake of switching radio stations for consoles. I kind of like it, gives me room to think/breathe when I want to select the correct tool for the job and lets me access the radio stations easily. I don't know if this is for everyone but I can't seem to change the radio stations unless I AM in that mode, I press the d-pad buttons and they seem to do nothing unless I hold them down, and even then they only sometimes switch the radio stations or sometimes make me do my taunt (can't seem to do a compliment consistently).
It seems to be there for the sake of switching radio stations for consoles. I kind of like it, gives me room to think/breathe when I want to select the correct tool for the job and lets me access the radio stations easily.

I can understand where you're coming from, but this being a modding forum for PC, we shouldn't be forced to deal with a design feature that may have been tailored for consoles. Most people who dislike this feature are used to transitioning to other weapons, quickly, as it's a reflexive action for veteran gamers.
I can understand where you're coming from, but this being a modding forum for PC, we shouldn't be forced to deal with a design feature that may have been tailored for consoles. Most people who dislike this feature are used to transitioning to other weapons, quickly, as it's a reflexive action for veteran gamers.
Understandable. Just because I like it doesn't mean other people should have to suffer because of it. That's the beauty of PC gaming after all! Still waiting on custom radio stations so I don't have to put up with the ear-grating songs that are in the game, though...