Repacking preload_anim.vpp_pc

I've been trying to add some animations to the preload_anim file and when I attempt to repack it the game crashes at the start of the game. I've been using Gibbeds' tools but it crashes the game even if I do not modify the vpp file. Is there a extra step I need to do to make this work?
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If its the same as SRIV if your only adding new anim files ther should be no ishue, but you could try making sure the new anim is added to the tabels it would need to refrence to work in game cant rember what they are off top of my head but I know in SRIV one of them is anim_files.xtbl
I guess it would be the same in SRTT, also ther is a thread on go on Ask Volition section going on animations might be some usefull info ther