Replay with same character mod.

I would like to request a mod that lets you play the entire story with all the sidequests, and reset all of steelport but keep your powers, abilities, weapons, and upgrades. I got all of these awesome powers but I don't know what to do anymore and I don't want to stop using my character I invested 20 hours into. If there's anyway this is possible I would very much appreciate it if someone can make this. Also a note, if you could make it that it doesn't show all of the missions that are available at once, that would be great. It would be better if the quests can pop up in chronological order, just a full game reset, leaving your character alone.
Are you talking about like a replay missions mod that idol included in his sandbox+ mod? or was it Gentleman of steelport.. I forget.
Pretty much, what I believe Enralic is after, is that the game starts from the very beginning with Zero Saints Thirty (or possibly The Saints Wing). No mission replay, no bumped back only to Point X in the game, you're deciding if you want to get rid of cancer or hunger. The only thing you bring back with you this go around are all your powers, abilities and weapons-- and you keep your level and Cache. I know a mod existed like this for SR3, but I cannot find it and I don't know if it was in Sandbox+.
Pretty much, what I believe Enralic is after, is that the game starts from the very beginning with Zero Saints Thirty (or possibly The Saints Wing). No mission replay, no bumped back only to Point X in the game, you're deciding if you want to get rid of cancer or hunger. The only thing you bring back with you this go around are all your powers, abilities and weapons-- and you keep your level and Cache. I know a mod existed like this for SR3, but I cannot find it and I don't know if it was in Sandbox+.
That is pretty much exactly what I want for this game. I feel like it would have a lot of replayability with all of the diversity with powers but I would still like to use all the things I spent 10+ Hours unlocking.