[REQ] Heigh Change mods?

I'm doing some file compares now to see what's going on.

From the readme it sounds like Steve simply released his height mod into the wild and doesn't much care what's done with it. I understand completely where he's coming from since I take the same approach. I also find it difficult to feel any kind of ownership when a mod only changes a couple of numerical values. I mean, what, are you going to say to somebody: "No, you can't change these values even if you know how."? It doesn't make sense.

Anyway, I'll probably just take the concepts and get something integrated with the other stuff in GoS that uses those files (with due credit to him in the readme.)
. Reason I guess I"m so sensitive is I'm a frequent user and down loader of Mods for Fallout series
and Skyrim and all on that Nexus series of sites. They have pretty serious restrictions as a matter
of policy there and if you violate them it can mean a ban or bitchslapping. Being new here
I was unsure of whats what in this neck of the woods.
I agree, if this means the game on the PC end is more popular because users can rig it up better,
the better for all of us as that means maybe the next version of the game arrives and just maybe
Volition will maybe make some allowances to make it teeny bit more mod friendly.
I posted Steve's original height mod as I found it in a thread just now before reading this one.
It is the one I found on that site before it died for good.
I have no idea how to contact that Steve guy .
THe post I made is now in the Help Troubleshooting section.

Be aware it will , as is, not work with the current Gang mod found in Idol Ninjas current compilation.
I explain that and more in the post.
I also included a zip of the mix I made to get it to work with Gandalfs homey mod pack he had made (which
I do not know if was ever posted on this site or not)
My 'mix' allows the homey mod Gandalf made to live along with the size mod I picked from Steves pack, which is
BRUTE size, about 7 foot tall.
I run with a over endowed female of the body builder type so the 7 foot apparition is quite
terrifying to cops and what not. Makes it more believable when she performs a beat down.
Using a mix of a mod I found called Porno And Murder with dummybumps modded player creation pack.

I tried the one in IdolNinjas pack but the sliders were doing insane things to the face for me (pre-existing character and that was the older pack) I found I could achieve more absurd chest improvements
and a muscle mass yet retain not overly exaggerated facial features with the mix above whilst retaining
control of facial sliders.
I think dummybumps only really affects the sliders for the body and only slightly impacts facial appearnce
when going to extremes.

Hopefully Idol or someone more talented than I can wig it in so the Height mod can work with
the Gang Plus one and offer more height options.
I lack the skillz.

could you place dummybumps modded player creation in a thread?
it sounds interesting, but i can't find it anywhere :(
Sure, I'll post what I have. I must have found them on another site. I forget where now.
I'll put it up in mods section in a few minutes.

EDIT. It appears I can't do that here as there is some issue
involving Volition and the potential of people uploading modified character
avatars and this board is respecting their request.