[REQ] Make all clothing available in wardrobe?

I've been thinking about the same thing.
I tried to just buy everything then use IdolNinja's wardrobe color change mod.
...buying every item from every single store is surprisingly tedious. :(
BE CAREFUL when buying large amounts of clothing!

If you fill up any category of your wardrobe (and there IS a hard limit to the number of items you can have in a category), that category will become completely unusable. You can't change or delete anything in it and must revert to an earlier save. It's a bug with no workaround that i know of at the moment.

Make a backup save and test each category in your wardrobe after you shop. I believe you get a warning that your wardrobe is full when you try to buy too many items, but by then it's too late.
Truly? That's a strange bug and also a shitty job in Volition's part.

Off topic, is there anything like that similar to the garage?
There is a max of 70 vehicles in your garage, but I haven't heard of anything to indicate that it bugs out if you try to add more.