[Request] Power element presets

Like the title suggests is there a way to preset particular elements to powers and switch them on the fly? An example of this would be fire blast, fire buff, life drain telekinesis and shrink stomp. I think this would be really cool because I like to run a particular set of power elements with a matching outfit.

Also would it be possible for someone to create a lightning blast power? I imagine since that the SDK is still unavailable someone could copy an existing blast mesh and add a lightning effect to it.
Perhaps you could use the purple energy ball that the Dubstep Gun fires on "big wubs" as the Lightning Blast projectile, have it explode into arcs of electricity as if you fired a gun at someone with the Lightning Buff power active, and each target that gets hit by an arc would get the electrocution effect of the stun gun, paralyzing them for a while.

For stats and balancing purposes, perhaps it could deal equal damage to Fire Blast on impact, without the lingering damage effect, keep enemies stunned for a second or two longer than Ice Blast's frozen effect, but not make the target take extra damage or allow shattering of the target.