requesting no cellphone cool down & cellphone never disabled

I've found that out on some remote jutting type of dock, I couldn't call *anyone*.
Is there a "reception area" included?

Unfortunately, I don't remember the exact circumstances.
I wasn't in a mission, though.

I think it was the area where you take hijacked aircraft (from the vehicle hijacking quests)

That has to do with road splines where AI can and can't drive. If the path doesn't exist (like at the airport) they will just be busy and won't come.
That has to do with road splines where AI can and can't drive. If the path doesn't exist (like at the airport) they will just be busy and won't come.

I wish I knew that information 10 gameplay hours ago.... >_<

Thanks, though. At least I now know why.
Is there plans to change that? I mean, it makes sense that I can't get a car delivered on a tiny island, or a helicopter underneath the overhead el-train tracks, but for me to call a homie for help on a dock, and they come up "busy" Ideally, I'd like infinite access to them, but I'd settle for a message telling me I'm not in-range (which, actually, may be harder to do).
I don't know how best to answer that question. Some inspiration may strike in the future, but at the moment, i'm not aware of any way to affect what happens when you call a homie, and i have looked for one. The cell dial function is private/internal, and we can't mess with it.
Well, taking the m22 flag out of homies.xtbl is a quick and easy fix. That probably means they're available during the mission, but i really couldn't care.

As for what could make them count as busy besides this, i have no idea. Don't know if we can control the cooldown period.
What do you mean by taking out the m22 flag? as in delete all the m22 rows?
That's actually on my to do list as an option in the upcoming gui GoS. :)