Restored McManus Clip

This mod allows the McManus in Gentlemen of the Row to use the correct magazine, without errors like the clip floating nearby.


Copy-Paste weapons.xtbl and p_snipermag.smesh to the optional_mod_stuff/1-MODDERS_-_PUT_YOUR_OWN_PERSONAL_MODS_HERE folder in your Gentlemen of the Row folder, build custom patch and have fun!
Notes: incompatible with any other mod that modifies weapons.xtbl.




Upon replaying some SR1 I noticed that the loaded clip was resting on the wrong part of the weapon.
I've fixed it and now the attached archive in the OP is updated.

Hmm, this doesn't seem to work for me, moved the files to my MODDERS folder, built the patch, but the magazine is still not in my game. Is the mod archive complete? Would you not need the respective .g_smesh files alongside the .smesh files?
Little tweaks are always the best
Hmm, this doesn't seem to work for me, moved the files to my MODDERS folder, built the patch, but the magazine is still not in my game. Is the mod archive complete? Would you not need the respective .g_smesh files alongside the .smesh files?
After a while, i found out the issue. If you use the table tool and open weapons.xtbl and select mcmanus2010 in flags, you can see there is a little flag saying "clip separate" that is not activated. That is the issue that makes in GOTR make the mcmanus clip not appear, i used BandiG mcmanus model since is fixed, and it works pretty well with any mod.
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