Saints Army (24 or 56 Gang members at once)

I hope I'm not out of line by asking this, but could it be possible to have 56 of "fun shaundi"? If so, how would one go about doing it?
I hope I'm not out of line by asking this, but could it be possible to have 56 of "fun shaundi"? If so, how would one go about doing it?

I tried something similar to that but it didn't work because they are an actual character and not a random gang member. Maybe edit fun Shaundi character file to make her a random gang member it might work.
Hey, just curious, is there any way to make saints invincible? After a few minutes they usually die out. Unlike SR:III, there is no super saints cheat :P.
Hey, just curious, is there any way to make saints invincible? After a few minutes they usually die out. Unlike SR:III, there is no super saints cheat :p.

Yes ther is im working on a mod atm for Over powerd back up just got to get them to stop swaping out weapons off the floor

So far they are invincible and have rockets and murder bot mini guns aswell as have super powers
Ill mail your thro a link to BETA if you want

Id be happy to share code with the person who made this mod aslong as im credited in some form