Here you go. With this mod not only your weapons are really powerful (give you a more realistic feeling), it also gives your homie the ability to the same amount of damage that you do to the enemies. Ex: The GHDC 50. when in your hands, able to take out an enemy with only 2 shots while your homie need up to 7 to 8 shots. With this mod installed your homie only need to hit the enemy 2 to 5 bullets depend on the gun they use to take out an enemy. Remember that this also apply to the enemies as well so you and your homies take a lot more damage than usual, which make hardcore difficult a nightmare. With this difficult you will now have to rely on your homies more because they are really useful when you are out of ammo, eating food,...
Now here is the problem: with the amount of damage increased for the NPC's weapons, they will destroy vehicle a lot faster, sometimes a handgun can take out a truck with only 6 to 7 shots so I have to increase the amount of hit points of the vehicles. So when you use the weapon mod, be sure to copy every single vehicle files I give your in the mod as well.