Saints Row 1 Weather XTBL's

While this isn't really inspired by Bandi G's mod I would recommend checking his out here Saints Row 1.5 Lighting as it's way more ambitious, this mod is simply just sr1's weather xtbl's
Left is SR2 Xtbl's and on the right is sr1's


Just that one screenshot looks way better than vanilla from the comparison, the shirt looks way more detailed than it should be. And its not nearly as foggy.
Just tried it on The Vanilla Game with out any other Mods . This is Magnificent . You Should have added more Screen Shots and Game Play Videos .
I used to have my own copy of the original SR1 weather.xtbl and weather_time_of_day.xtbl files installed into SR2 but it had a negative effect, the clouds were gone, even in the Clear Skies setting there were no clouds.