Saint's Row 2 Complete Overhaul

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As I asked in the other thread, please credit the applicable mods of mine that you've based this on.
I don't want to be a hardass, but it's not fair to anyone (myself included) that their work should go uncredited.

That being said, I'll certainly check this out when it's done! It looks like a blast!

You and Idol will both get your credit when the mod is done

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Chill out for a second & go talk with IdolNinja privately. You should ask before using others mods as a form of respect. Most people in a modding community are fine with sharing as long as you ask and give credit where credit is due.

Don't blame IdolNinja for your mistake. If it wasn't for IdolNinja you would't be here in the first place modding! He's the Jebus of Saints Row modding! :cool:

You can't use use others work without a simple heads up. Hopefully things can be resolved and this mod can see the light of day. ;)

Would be nice to have more SR2 modders around here.

Looks like we could use a modding guide to help prevent issues like this from happening in the future with other new modders?

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Chill out for a second & go talk with IdolNinja privately. You should ask before using others mods as a form of respect. Most people in a modding community are fine with sharing as long as you ask and give credit where credit is due.

Don't blame IdolNinja for your mistake. If it wasn't for IdolNinja you would't be here in the first place modding! He's the Jebus of Saints Row modding! :cool:

You can't use use others work without a simple heads up. Hopefully things can be resolved and this mod can see the light of day. ;)

Would be nice to have more SR2 modders around here.

I looked around on his site and in the readme I couldn't find anywhere stating that I wasn't allowed to build on top of his mod our any place that said he wanted credit for his work which I was going to give him. He should just be happy that people are trying to mod the game since that's exactly what he made this website for.
You know what never mind Idol I wont release this mod. I'm done everyone thank Idol.

Sure. It's my fault that you're acting like a petulant child. Locking thread.

Note: Gentlemen of the Row contains the work of 20+ other modders as well. You can't just assume you can use something like that without permission from everyone involved.

Also, our forum rules are extremely clear regarding this:
Forum Rules said:
Be respectful and mindful of other modder's work and get the original creator's permission before you upload their mod or a changed version of their mod. If you can't contact the original mod creator, ask the Saints Row Mods staff - that's me or anyone marked as an Administrator or Moderator.
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