This texture pack dose work you need too put the folders in the saint row 2 location not the content in them
Eh ?
I thought you have to put the mod files in the root game folder.
I've never heard that before " putting the actual mod folders in the game's folder.
What i did is make up the first part by adding the files from the 50mb rar file to the GOTR patch and i put that in the game's root folder.
Then i extracted the files from the big 1.5gb rar file to the game's root folder.
Isn't that correct ?
I just started the game and switched off HDR+MOTION BLUR.
When i go in-game my player character is a strange green and blue colour(npc's too) and there is big green and dark blue squares everywhere on the ground.
So something is very wrong.
I verified with Steam and i was missing a rather huge file called : chunks4.vpp_pc.
Must stop installing games from old rar files on dvd.
I always think it will save me time with downloading but i end up wasting hours faffing about