Saints Row 2 High Quality Texture Pack

After installing the latest version all icons for GotR weapons are gone. :confused:
View attachment 9684

EDIT: Yea, it's caused by 'interface-backend' files from this mod. After removing them everything works fine.

Thanks for your feedback.
Yes, interface-backend texture files contain the vignette effect texture so I edit it.

I'll change to add a texture for the vignette effect in a different way to avoid disappear weapon icon that is added in GOTR.
You are doing excellent work. :)

Thanks! I'll try my best.

And new version 0.96b availabe.

Hi-res stone bricks texture.

Hi-res trash texture.
Hello :) Is there any new updates?

Next To Do:
Replace burford holly texture.
Since difficult to obtain the holly no thorns in areas where I live in, it is scheduled to be replaced by other trees.

More textures additional difficult by the game engine limitations.
I have to explore whether there is any way.
Next To Do:
Replace burford holly texture.
Since difficult to obtain the holly no thorns in areas where I live in, it is scheduled to be replaced by other trees.

More textures additional difficult by the game engine limitations.
I have to explore whether there is any way.
Good luck!