i can still follow what curly haired boy did right?These tools are an updated and fixed version of the gibbed tools. Just use these.
i can still follow what curly haired boy did right?These tools are an updated and fixed version of the gibbed tools. Just use these.
i can still follow what curly haired boy did right?
This is exactly why we're so hot about having mods etc attached to the forum where possible - it's much harder for them to go missing or for links to break, and it's backed up *in full* every day.I looked through the curly haired boy transcript, trying to follow it, and noticed that a lot of the links in the transcript are now broken.
More or less. It's probably pretty out of date.
Hey, I started playing around with this and I've been doing some cool stuff without any problems but I was wondering if you could help me with one thing. I am trying to make the flashbang be like a chemical weapon. I've tried switching the explosion in the weapons.xtbl to Barrel TWaste or whatever but in game it's just a blank explosion. I want like the green splash just like the barrels that you can shoot at the Nuclear Power Plant. Can you help me with that please? Thanks