They definitely need to add a few more placeable Cribs in the list of Criminal Ventures.Yessss, oh my god some of those businesses should NOT have been in the city xD
I hope we get more interiors to play around with at least. Or more than one safe house / Jim Robs.
In reality though they'll probably just add a bunch of filler to the desert that we can't interact with (at least not for another few months).
Love the Church, Jim Robs is cool, and the Tower is ok.
Jim Robs' default location is too close to the Church so I never really use it.
That's why I place the Tower over in West Flats, so I can customize vehicles on that side of the city.
So I'd like to see a Saints Mansion (perfect for Monte Vista), a Saints Casino (for El Darado), and a proper Saints Penthouse like Saints HQ in SRTT.
And it should be implied that all 3 of these Cribs have full designed enterable interiors.
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