SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info

The wording that was used to describe the customization has me curious and a bit skeptical because the previous saints row row games customization was a bit of a low bar without mods mainly for the games that came after saints row 2. All the blemishes and scars applied to just the face, the eye color options were so subtle that there was hardly any difference between them and the gloss and metallic effects were locked to specific skin colors, No height slider. The genital censor was huge miss opportunity too because right from the start after watching saints row 3 previews I thought volition were going to do something clever like have options for a very long flexible blur or black box but no, it was just a useless censor. other games just showed actual private parts.
I mostly worry about the short gameplay. Other than the running and shooting mechanics I want nothing from saints row 3/4 in the reboot. I hated the take down mechanic where the boss did those stupid pose for the camera animations after slamming people to the ground. The combat moves were either unnecessary brutish or over the top silly. The later games ran the trope that a "bad ass" can only be someone that pulverizes and explodes everything.
It would be a big step forward if gun suppressors actually had a purpose in a saints row game.
I found this article, which whilst being specific to "superhero games" I feel applies to the entire western Triple A industry.

I'm not a fan of the tone they set and the character designs, but I do like the shaders/visuals/artstyle they have shown thus far, and I hope that the character customization isn't stifled or censored in the name of realism.
I'm liking what I'm seeing so far... The look, the sound, the characters, the humour, the action, the gangs... and, particularly, the default Boss they've chosen (who shows up in the trailer exclusively to WRECK-SHIT-UP, as it should be).

And this is coming from someone who, back then, felt a bit old to be in the target audience for SR2, my favourite of the entire series.
My only gripe is that I'm not too keen on "desert" settings, although all will be forgiven if they sneak the Fury Road Doof Wagon somewhere in there.

I understand and sympathize with people feeling left behind, though. I've felt like that with pretty much every title in the series. But I'd like to point out that the series has always been evolving. Each game is so different from the previous one they could be set in different universes (in some cases literally). Even the secondary characters have evolved drastically to match the tone of each game (see "Shaundi" vs "Fun Shaundi").
Eventually, I learned to love each game on its own merits. Even Gat out of Hell, whose merit is "allowing me to play as Kinzie, because I can't understand the obsession everyone has with Gat"

To quote Doctor Who: "Times change, and I must change too"

I'm hopeful about this reboot.

That doesn't mean I'll pick it up right away, because there's no forgiveness in my heart for platform exclusivity (Looking at you, Epic Store), but I'm looking forward to it.
Summary of all articles about Saints Row (2021) for easy reading, by thetwobosses

PC Gamer (https://www.pcgamer.com/the-saints-row-reboot-wont-be-as-edgy-as-its-predecessors/)
* They are describing the core Saints as "planner and business mind Eli, expert driver Neenah, DJ and smoothtalker Kevin, and the slightly off-the-rails Boss."
* There are eight voices to choose from, and the Boss can be big or small, young or old or anything in between.
* Based on a few minutes of gameplay and cutscenes that they saw, the main four feel like a proper friend group who accepts and supports each other, reminiscent of the cast of Watch_Dogs 2.
* One of the nine districts of the city is a gritty casino district of called El Dorado, another is Monte Vista which has lofty mansions and manicured lawns. There is also a skyscraper financial district and lots of wide open desert at the edges of the map.
* Max 2-player co-op, seamlessly dropping in and out.
* The tone and jokes of the series should be less juvenile and edgy as some of the stuff in the older games. Jim Boone said the Saints Row reboot will bring the series into the 2020's. "We love [the old Saints Row games], but we also recognize those are games of a time," he said. "They made sense within that era, and we were able to do things that felt good back then. But that tone is not something that we feel like we want to do today. We had a different kind of story that we wanted to tell."

Polygon (https://www.polygon.com/22641295/sa...s5-xbox-one-xbox-series-x-pc-gamescom-trailer)
* "Ileso" in Santo Ileso means "unhurt," or "unscathed."
* "While this is a more grounded game than Saints Row 4, it’s hard not to be a more grounded game than Saints Row 4, honestly [..] We’re still going to have outrageous antics; we’re still going to have lots of fun. This is not a grimdark Saints Row."
* The Saints’ origin: "They’re a startup business, they just happen to be criminals. The idea comes from Eli, a bowtie-wearing MBA and one of the four founding friends that start the Saints. "He just didn’t realize the business he was going to build was a criminal empire," Jeremy Bernstein said. "So that means the next step is to make connections with people that can shoot guns.""
* Neenah is the gang’s wheelman and was kicked out of Los Panteros, Kevin, "a DJ party animal character", was thrown out of The Idols.
* "You’re building criminal ventures, and each criminal venture is unlocking its own custom gameplay with it. And that’s in addition to all the other stuff that you can do out in the world."
* The action and combat takes inspiration from films like John Wick, Baby Driver, and Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw.
* Lots of driving combat, you can still shoot out of the windows but they decided to not implement cruise control as they wanted the cars themselves to be used weapons more than the firearms.
* You can also traverse the map with aircraft, hoverboards, bikes and wingsuits, the wingsuits are even the focus of one of the side hustles.
* Co-op play is across console generations.
* Jim Boone said, "You get to decide what buildings you want to put down, you get to decide how you want to interact with them; you don’t have to interact with them if you don’t want to. But there’s a lot of depth there, and there’s a lot of aggression with this whole criminal empire area, and I think that is a huge separation from anything that we have done before."

PC Invasion (https://www.pcinvasion.com/saints-row-reboot-preview/)
* One of the new districts is Rancho Providencia, "the home turf of one of the competing gangs, which is a bit of a more downtrodden area than the neon lights of El Dorado, which calls to mind the grimier aspects of Vegas"
* Neenah is the "driver and mechanic of the group. She’s an art school grad who couldn’t get a job at a museum and ended up working for Los Panteros gang. It turns out she’s quite sick of working for others and would much rather work for herself, which is how she ends up becoming part of the core of the Saints."
* Kevin is "a thrill-seeking DJ who’ll go to the ends of the Earth for his friends, and who’s seeking a place to belong and a real family."
* Eli has a fresh new MBA and wants to become an entrepreneur. He "very much treats the Saints and their rise to power as analogous to any other business. He doesn’t want the Saints to be a street gang. He wants to build an organization. As such, he’s the man with the plan… but he’s also quite handy with a shotgun."
* Los Panteros HQ is in an abandoned car factory. Marshall Defense Industries is a PMC that owns and runs the commercial areas and is all about money. The Idols "are all about fame and notoriety: these are the taggers, the DJs, and the ravers. A lot of them are the rich kids from the mansions who spend their nights partying and causing chaos."
* You can use a helicopter and a giant magnet to abduct fancy cars.

Inverse (https://www.inverse.com/gaming/saints-row-reboot-release-date-trailer-gameplay-setting-platforms)
* Jim Boone said, "It was a great opportunity for us to tell the story we wanted to tell and most importantly tell a story that is contemporary that we think the people will relate to. What that means is, that could be everything from imagining the kind of debt that people deal with these days, student loans, the kinds of things you want to be able to do for the American Dream; imagine if you were in that world and you could form your own criminal empire."

PlayStation Lifestyle (https://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2021/08/25/saints-row-reboot-release-date/)
* "You get to build your own buildings and set up your own less-than-legitimate businesses anywhere in the city, on empty lots across the environment. And the choice is entirely up to the player. Go ahead and build a toxic waste dump in the financial district, or launder money up near that gated communities."
* Gameplay similar to previous games. "This is not a precision shooter. Players aren’t meant to be turtling up and taking cover. It’s a run-and-gun experience that has been refined and, according to Volition, feels "really good." It’s bold, in-your-face combat. Similarly, driving has seen a major overhaul, giving players the ability to upgrade any vehicle—even a garbage truck—for off-roading in the great rocky deserts of the American Southwest."
* Volition has teased "pranking" in co-op but hasn’t specified what it means.

Rock Paper Shotgun (https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/saints-row-reboot-reveal)
* The journalist summed up the gangs as "Los Panteros (Mad Max body builders with hammers), Marshall (PMC narcs with high tech weapons, apparently lead by Colonel Sanders), and The Idols (extremely hardcore Twitch influencers)."
* ""We will absolutely have humour in the game," said Bernstein. "It’s become such a staple of Saints Row that I don’t think we could do the game without humour.""
* Stephen Quirk said, "As you place buildings in your criminal empire you’re building a crew, you’re acquiring employees. Based on your choices of what buildings you place, you’re also placing additional Saints there."
* "There are a couple of Easter eggs in there for the very sharp eyed, but by-and-large it’s all new people with new quirks and new idiosyncrasies."
* "Santo Ileso is our amalgam lots of different influences from the Southwest," said Frank Marquart. "It is definitely not exact replicas of what’s in the Southwest, but I’m sure as you drive around the world you’ll see things that are reminiscent of the actual Southwest."
@ Bolded: I really hope they make it comical, like have the Boss be 3 ft tall or 9 ft tall, and we can adjust the volume of the voice. xD

• I am absolutely going to build toxic waste dump near fancy sites. xD And brothels. :P I’ll make the city look like the love child of Steelport and Night City from Cyberpunck 2077. :P
@ Bolded: I really hope they make it comical, like have the Boss be 3 ft tall or 9 ft tall, and we can adjust the volume of the voice. xD

• I am absolutely going to build toxic waste dump near fancy sites. xD And brothels. :p I’ll make the city look like the love child of Steelport and Night City from Cyberpunck 2077. :p
Your idea is bad and you should feel bad.

Everyone knows that the odds of mutation go up from long term exposure to toxic waste.

Toxic waste dumps in fancy sites will do nothing but make them less fancy, so fewer people will choose to go there, and you'll just end up with empty buildings. That's terrible city planning. It's almost like you don't even want to have mutants.

That's why I'm going to put my toxic waste near a school. 😄
The brickwall is such a stupid argument, it's a fucking wall. There are more than 1 red brick wall in the world, if you read so deep into it that a red brick wall was supposed to the the one random wall in SR1, your the architect of your own disappointment.
Ehh to be totally fair, there was that stream from a while ago where they talked about how they were working on a new Saints Row, and the original cover artwork was plastered across the entire background, and every single comment on the stream was begging for a game in the style of the first two titles. To act like there isn't any precedent, and that teasing a sneak peak with gang graffiti couldn't possibly mislead, isn't super realistic in my eyes.

I'm not inherently beholden to the style of 1 and 2, I jumped into the series with 3 and greatly enjoyed it despite the story feeling unfinished and underwhelming, but I have separate issues and concerns with the potential direction the new game is taking based on what they are shown that I have discussed.

The constant references to being "contemporary" and "relatable" are the exact opposite of what I'm hoping for, as a huge amount of Triple A games feel incredibly sterile and lifeless due to their obsession with such matters.
Your idea is bad and you should feel bad.

Everyone knows that the odds of mutation go up from long term exposure to toxic waste.

Toxic waste dumps in fancy sites will do nothing but make them less fancy, so fewer people will choose to go there, and you'll just end up with empty buildings. That's terrible city planning. It's almost like you don't even want to have mutants.

That's why I'm going to put my toxic waste near a school. 😄
Hmm, good point. Yes, if placed at the schools the Boss shall create whole generations of mutated warriors to do their bidding. :p