This is our first look at the in-game UI, looks slick and intuitive.New gameplay trailer
The gameplay looks very well to be honest. The only thing that i didnt like was the health bars the enemies have... it takes a bit the realism, but is just my opinion.New gameplay trailer
Perhaps they didnt make the map textures for the minimap yet..I don't like the minimap unless it's a pre-alpha bug
Its very curious that they made a melee store icon (i dont know how to spell it) just like in SR2..DISSECTION TIME!!
View attachment 29453
I like the lighting and shadow here, but I'm most curious about the strange icon on the compass. A new activity, perhaps?
View attachment 29455
OK, so it seems like the green are the shops, the yellow must be activities, and the red might be the gang?
View attachment 29456
Ah, so the blue might be our new stamina bar while the red is obviously our health.
View attachment 29457
OK, so when you hit another car, their health meter pops up. The name escapes me, but I think this could be of use if the activity where we steal and sell cars to a fence returns.
View attachment 29459
Now who is this hulk of a man? Doesn't look like the Panteros dude we saw in the original trailer. A fence? A potential recruit?
Now we just need to wait for the GameInformer cover.Grrr... Any idea when they'll release it?
Weapons icon feels like legion