SPOILERS Saints Row (2022) official info


"It's not a bug, it's a feature"
Well, I can now see that the standard generic hoodie at least has customization options and is not part of a set outfit.

They really do want to stretch this out as much as possible and give us snippets of new footage in amongst 90% reused footage from previous trailers. I'm at least satisfied with actually seeing some level of customization options... Even if it was just for 1 item of clothing that has managed to appear in every single video.

I'm a little disappointed that they hid the actual customization menus, because they showed off some "skin" options, but we didn't really see any evidence of a colour chart similar to all the previous games. I get that they want to show off all the new stuff, but I still want to see evidence that they haven't abandoned all the original stuff.

What if I want my jeans to be dark green, and my tank top be cyan? What if I want gold trainers with silver laces? A colour chart allows so much variety when customizing the Playa's outfit. Maybe I want a wardrobe full of identical outfits, but each outfit has a different set of colours? Can I still do this? Is it possible?

I guess we'll have to wait and see if it's shown in the next trailer amongst the 10% new footage we get.