Saints Row 4 crashes after AMD intro

My friend has just got SR4, but he can't play it after installing it. It is installed in the Steam Directory, his drivers are up-to-date, and he has latest DirectX11. He also tried launching it in -windowed. It still crashes after AMD intro. Verifying cache doesn't help either.

So - is there a fix? I think we tried all fixes we could google. Here are some logs he got. There were 11 of them, but I thought not all of them are needed? I can post more if needed.


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I'm having the exact same issue.
I bought SR4 about 2-3 weeks ago, and have been playing it with absolutely no problems, until 2 days ago, and now it crashes every time. I find it odd that I had no issues at first, and it just started happening. There were no Steam/Driver/DirectX updates within the past few days that I'm aware of, so i have no clue what might have caused the issue.

I have already searched a few forums, but same as the OP, the solutions for most people had have not helped me:

1. I have no mods
2. Everything is installed on the same drive
3. My drivers & DirectX are up to date
4. I've tried windowed mode
5. I've verified the inegrity of the game cache
6. I've tried uninstalling & reinstalling

Still nothing.
We seem to have found some weird thing - if the line
SkipIntroVideo = true
Is added to display.ini in the game folder, it shows engine credits (like havok and stuff), it starts loading and then crashes before showing the main menu.

What can be happening?
Ok I have tried to play saints row after a very long time and it looks like that I have got the same issue.

EDIT: After using ThomasJepp.SaintsRow.Stream2Update I manage to fix my problem :)
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Now my Saint's Row 4 crashes as well. Here's my crash dump.
No mods were installed, Stream2Update didn't do anything for me.


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I figured out my solution...
I went in and disabled all startup applications, including antivirus & firewall, and then the game worked! After restarting each application one by one, I found out that it seems to be my firewall that is causing the problem.

I was using Online Armor Free Firewall. I've decided to disable Online Armor and just use the Windows firewall for now.