Saints Row 4 First Person View *ALPHA STAGE*

When is this going to be finished!!! :p
I'm sorry Spoonie but there is only so much that can be done without V's support on the SDK. Just to keep you guys updated though I'm currently working on Oculus Rift support which is almost complete for SRTT, once my kit comes in I can fine tune the convergence etc. Other then that it is pretty much ready to go.
Woot. Afte Skimming and reading a few post I made to Level 18. Now Then, Like secrets in a game I tend to miss some stuff so I do apologize if I missed it and this has been addressed.

First of all Fantastic mod looks and feels great. HOWEVER....When I fly near a Tower , The ones you climb to convert from red to blue, I Zoom out. Is that suppose to happen?
Woot. Afte Skimming and reading a few post I made to Level 18. Now Then, Like secrets in a game I tend to miss some stuff so I do apologize if I missed it and this has been addressed.

First of all Fantastic mod looks and feels great. HOWEVER....When I fly near a Tower , The ones you climb to convert from red to blue, I Zoom out. Is that suppose to happen?
It's because the game switches to platforming mode. We could easily set it to FPS mode but we felt that that part of the game took a heavy quality of life hit since you have to judge jumps by looking up at them.

If you want FPS mode open the camera free file and copy over all the info from exterior close to platforming. When I get home ill attach a fix for you if you get stuck.
It's because the game switches to platforming mode. We could easily set it to FPS mode but we felt that that part of the game took a heavy quality of life hit since you have to judge jumps by looking up at them.

If you want FPS mode open the camera free file and copy over all the info from exterior close to platforming. When I get home ill attach a fix for you if you get stuck.
Ah I see. Well I can see how that can be frustrating if someone wasn't very good at that sorta thing, Platforming that is. Quite honestly I'm content with the way this shifts from FPS to Plat and have yet to run into any issues. All in all good stuff all around.

Hey, does this work with shades?
1: Use the edit button.
2. Did you buy the head piece so that it "cuts' your MC's head off? If not that's why you still see your head.
I would love to see this mod in a much better working condition, but still, it's a great idea! Wish a lot more "current" game developers had a feature that switches between first-person and third-person, but that might make money an issue.