gonna test this
just wow!
it is epic!
even weapon sounds are changed!
i changed the model to shaundi and my game crashed...
i think that there are some bugs with shaundi
look at this
//edit3 lel
would be nice to have something like a menu
where when you press 8 + right arrow then on the back is message
click 1 to get to previous page
click 9 to get to next page
click 2 - 8 to select (character name) then next page etc
but thats a lot of work
//edit 4 (yes -_-)
im randomly selecting peds and trying to see if they works
//edit 5 xDDD
or a option where you need to be near ped and press 8 + left arrow or right arrow
//edit 6 - the last one
i really want to play as shaundi / kinzie / pierce / zinjay / zinyak (i can give him correct animations) , oleg (with brute animations from more homies mod) and many others