I kinda want the old stuff back, I wouldn't of minded if Saints Row went over the top if it wouldn't of lead to the deaths of Cribs and food and clothing layers.
I hear so much excuses, usually involving the lore. If you're gonna have an over-the-top story and game why would the lore get in the way of you trying to add mechsuit customization? The saints can do whatever they want.
I was also hoping for more mech types like the Cougar from MechAssault, you could change it a little and maybe call it the Bobcat, like how there was a Boba-fett-esque helmet that err... wasn't a boba fett helmet.
I'm hoping to see about 5 extra mechs, maybe 10, or 5 small and 5 large, or maybe even that and some XXXXXL mechs.
Building destruction may sound kinda weird in a saints row game, so perhaps there would be construction workers that would appear at demolished buildings when you revisit them and it would be in a repairing state.
I'm also hoping to be able to go inside more buildings, like non-marked buildings, maybe they could be marked with a grey diamond on the map basically saying "Here's a building you can explore...", maybe even abandoned buildings so you can do some urban spelunkin'!