Saints Row IV autosave collection

It was turned on, so I turned it off in Steam Settings. But there's still no difference in the Autosave behavior.

FYI, even if I completely delete the "00" autosave file from my "remote" folder, when I launch the game afterwards, it still shows an Autosave (dated this week) in the "Load Game" screen. Not sure if knowing that helps you identify the problem or not...
The text description will be the same as the old save on the load screen, and won't be corrected until it saves again. You should see the story progress though once you're loaded in the world. Is it happening with any save you try? Even like the last one?
Not sure what you're asking, so I'll describe what I'm doing step by step, maybe that'll help. For what it's worth, I'm trying to use your Autosave from the folder "16 (mm_4_1) The Warden Stomp- Zero Cool -18". My last completed quest was Ghost in the Machine.
1. I replace my "00" autosave file (dated yesterday, 2014) in my "remote" folder, with the one (dated 2013) from your collection's folder 16 (mm-4_1) and say "Replace existing file" when Windows asks.
2. I launch SR4, choose "Campaign," then "Load Game," and at the top of the list, I select Autosave (which is still dated yesterday, 2014).
3. I then play the game a bit, collecting Data Clusters, and maybe defeating another Flashpoint, etc., until I see the Saving circle indicating the game is doing an Autosave.
4. I do a Save Game immediately after that Autosave, then exit the game.
5. I relaunch SR4, choose "Continue," and check my Quests. It says I still need to begin Zero Cool. In other words, it shows no progress since before I started Step 1, above.
Thanks for your patience, btw. I wouldn't need any of this except I really suck at steering the motorcycle in Zero Cool, I've tried it a couple dozen times and keep running out of time, LOL.
As soon as you load the game, it should be MY save. Only the text description would be the old one (until you save it again and the text shows new.) I'm asking you to try to use a much later save file in the archive just to make sure it does the same thing.
Tried your Autosave from a later folder (#22), but no difference in effect.

It dawned on me that my own Autosave "00" file in the "remote" folder was dated several days *earlier* than many of the regular saves in the same folder. I'm wondering if that's because I once tried out a cheat. When I decided I didn't like the cheat, I figured I could get rid of it by loading one of my saves from before I'd applied the cheat, and then just continuing on from there. I *thought* my doing that had undone the cheat, since I always saw the Autosave circle appear after missions, etc.... but maybe I was mistaken, since the actual date of the "00" file in my "remote" folder always stayed the same. Did I mess up?
It shouldn't matter since the saves in the archive don't have the cheat enabled flag. The 00 file is the autosave. Are you really certain that you are manually going to your load saves screen and choosing the autosave to load? Not just clicking continue?
It is technically possible for these games to have a save OTHER than 00 as the autosave, if a manual save was done first. Try this: Make a manual save; then look at the most recently modified file in the folder; replace THAT one, renaming IdolNinja's autosave appropriately; and finally, load the save slot you just made.
Corrodias, that made a BIG difference. Using your suggestion, I finally got the Zero Cool quest to show as completed. Problem is, my Protagonist looks completely different and virtually all of my accomplishments are undone (I had already climbed all the towers, disabled all Hot Spots, and defeated all 32 Flashpoints). Is there any way for me to retain all of that?
ok, that makes sense... I guess I was thinking the quest progress was maybe a separate file from the protagonist details and accomplishments. I see now that it isn't.

I'm hung up on the Zero Cool quest, I've been trying for 2 weeks to ride the motorcycle to the Io Tower but I always run out of time, I'm pretty bad at it.