Just something to ask, how did you imported them ?
It was a multi-step process.Just something to ask, how did you imported them ?
It was a multi-step process.
First, I worked out what files were needed to make up a single clothing item - this is pretty easy - there's a str2_pc file containing the mesh, texture, cloth sim (if included) and a morph file - the morph file is also stored straight in the customize_item.vpp_pc normally. For the first clothing item I used, these are the files: http://saintsrowmods.com/search/Files/Results?game=3&searchTerm=basicjeans01
As a first test, I copied this str2_pc over along with the morph file. Each str2_pc file has data stored about it in an asm_pc file - in this case it is customize_item.asm_pc. I had to add the data from SRIV's customize_item.asm_pc for the clothing item I moved across - I wrote some new features for my Stream2 app to allow me to convert the customize_item.asm_pc to a format I could easily edit to do this for my test run. Finally, to get the clothing item to actually load, I re-added the entry for it in customization_items.xtbl.
I got pretty lucky here as the assumptions I'd made were right so this worked first time - plus the mesh, texture and morph formats haven't changed in GOOH so the files were compatible.
Once I had a single item in game and working (see: this screenshot), I tried to do a mass import by copying and pasting in large chunks of SRIV's files - this *didn't* work - because I was over the item limit (GOOH has a 900 clothing item limit) and because I had some duplicates.
I then wrote some extra custom software to load SRIV's clothing data and to automatically move over any extra clothing, update the ASM automatically and update the customisation_items.xtbl automatically.
This *mostly* worked - a few specific items wouldn't load. By looking at the differences between these items and items that *did* work, I worked out that the items that didn't work had "sim_pc" files - these are custom cloth simulations and they're used to made the clothes act differently - to make them affected by wind or to give them a trailing effect.
I looked into these files and thought that I would probably be able to made a dummy cloth sim file - one that SRGOOH would load but that wouldn't give the items their special properties. I made one by hand using a hex editor and it worked, so I added some extra code to my custom import program to automatically generate these cloth sim files for the clothing that needed them.
Once I'd done this, it worked ok - all the clothing items I intended to get into the game were there and they all worked OK (except for the cloth sim as above).
I'll be releasing a new version of my tools this weekend that will include the new ASM tools.So i can do that with the last version of your tools ?
I'll be releasing a new version of my tools this weekend that will include the new ASM tools.
The clothing import tool was completely custom for this and isn't really much use unless you wanted to duplicate the exact mod, and even then it wasn't written with anyone else using it in mind - so I probably won't be releasing that one. It doesn't do anything you can't do with the other tools, it just automated large chunks of it.
Can you transfer SR4 outfits to SR3? ..If yes then plss do it![]()
I've done this now - sorry for the wait!Great ! I'm waiting for it !
I can certainly try, I've not really looked in to outfits in SR3.Minimaul
Can you transfer SR4 outfits to SR3? ..If yes then plss do it![]()
It might even be in SRIV already - SRGOOH doesn't have a store list so it shows every item in the game's data files - including ones that would have been hidden from the store in SRIV. I'll take a look.I had an inquiry about the Sim Heroine suit. I notice that there are two versions, one being much more detailed and having the reflective texture that the Sim Hero one does. Is there a way to get the more detailed version in SRIV?